Saturday, November 21, 2015

ThoughtS AnD ExpressionS

Some thoughts always run in my mind & I got time to put down in words today..!!
- 10/01/2015
To Everyone - It applies in home, outside, office, Etc..!!
Please try it out for sure. You feel the change smile emotic

1) Wish & Respect everyone irrespective of Caste, Work levels, Etc with whomever you meet daily, it gives a big smile in their face as well as on your face too smile emoticon

2) Saying a small Thanks means a lot to other..!

3) Donate Blood - U feel u did a good job than delivered a project smile emoticon
Men can donate 4 times in a year & Women can donate 3 times in a year. My next turn is in March, Proud myself to donate every time

4) Give a way to Ambulance & keep a 'Humanity' alive. Pray for a second when it crosses u..! Pray for others, God will definitely give you reward..!!

5) Help each other - One day you receive back from someone..!

6) Don't trust anyone easily, be yourself & cautious. When someone trust you, don't be a spoilsport

7) Don't spoil the nature, instead Protect the nature - It protects you back smile emoticonPlant saplings..

8) Don't dump all your money for your investments & savings - try to spend for a needy once in a while. God gives you back more smile emoticon

9) Value the 2 ships - relationship & friendship. Spend time with Family, with needy kids, with elders & with Pets - You filled with smile for sure

10) At last, live a good & healthy life for yourself instead of always running behind for money. Our turn to move out from this world soon, Keep in mind..!

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